APRIL 2023.

Over the last 12 months officers from the WBA and WWBA have been busy working on the framework for unification and the setting up of Welsh Lawn Bowls.

At their respective Annual General Meetings members of both organisations voted in favour of the proposed new constitution and agreed that a small group of officers would look at agreeing job descriptions for the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer of the new organisation.

In March this year those job descriptions were agreed and signed off by both Executive Groups.

In order to allay any misgivings that members of both associations might have about unification a representative group of officers met via Zoom to discuss any possible sticking points.

One of the main concerns raised was around representation and would unification result in a take- over by the men, following a discussion it was agreed by the group that the ladies and men would have equal representation on the Executive Committee and that all officers posts and sub committees would be wherever possible gender balanced.

The group further confirmed that within the new organisation the current structure of tournaments and competitions would be retained.

A timetable for progress to unification was agreed and is as indicated below.

The advertisement for the posts of Secretary and Treasurer will be posted on the website and circulated to all county secretary’s early in May, with the closing date for applications set as the middle of June.

The WBA and WWBA will elect four panel members, two men and two ladies to carry out the short listing for both posts, this will take place during July. The panel will be chaired by an independent chairperson to be agreed by the WBA and WWBA in advance of the shortlisting and interviews.

If any member would like to suggest suitable individuals who are qualified for this post please notify your National Secretary.

Interviews of suitable candidates for the posts of Secretary and Treasurer will take place during September.

In December 2023 both the WBA and WWBA will hold what should be their final Annual General Meetings with notices of motion being put to both groups to wind up the WBA and WWBA providing that these votes are successful the WBA and WWBA will go out of existence.

Within seven days of these meeting the inaugural meeting of Welsh Lawn Bowls should take place at a time and venue agreed by members.

At this meeting the following actions will need to take place: -

  1. The election of the President for 2024. (Female)
  2. The Election of the Vice President for 2024. (Male)
  3. The election of the Secretary, nominated by the interview panel.
  4. The election of the Treasurer, nominated by the interview panel.
  5. The election of sub-committees as set out in the constitution these should be gender balanced.

Officers of both associations have published this newsletter to encourage members to move forward positively for the benefit of Welsh Lawn Bowls, unification is essential if we are to move forward and prosper and for the benefit of our sport of bowls.

There will be some testing times ahead for the people tasked with running the new organisation, previous experience has shown us this but as long as we all are prepared to work together to overcome any local difficulties that may arise we will come out of this a lot stronger together.

Officers of both associations will be happy to listen to and answer any questions members may have.

Following unification every member both male and female will be treated equally and with the dignity and respect they deserve.